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Danas sa vama delim meni jako drag recept moje bake za čuvenu Perašku tortu. Ona me je naučila da kuvam brodet, da savršeno ispržim lignje, da uživam u slanoj ribi, siru iz ulja , tučenim maslinama, buzari i crnom rižotu.A paštašuta, e to već zahteva zaseban post. Od dezerta pamtim njenu štrudlu sa jabukama, rožatu, orahovnjaču, pincu i ovu tortu koja je savršeni spoj badema, domaćeg limuna i vanile. Prhko testo i fil od badema koji vam se topi u ustima dok vam čula osvaja kombinacija limuna i vanile. Jednostavno a istovremeno božanstveno.
Tehnički, ovo je više pite jer se kore i fil peku zajedno ali u Boki je poznata kao torta pa neka tako i ostane.
Prvi pisani podatak o ovoj torti datira iz XVII veka . Pominje se da su je poznate Peraštanke ispekle i predale tada novom peraškom načelniku na svetkovini koja je priređena u njegovu čast. Ova torta može dugo da stoji (više meseci) , pa su je zato Peraštanke i slale svojim muževima koji su plovili da im pomorske dane učine slađim i lakšim.
Moram da priznam da kod nas kući ova torta nije izdržala nikda duže od sedam dana koliko god se mi trudili. :)
Potrebno je :
( za tortu prečnika 20 cm)
200 gr mekog brašna
100 gr putera ( ranije se koristila mast)
40 gr šećera
1 žumance
1 kašika hladne vode
6 belanaca
250 gr mlevenih badema
250 gr šećera
0,3 dl domaćeg višnjaka ili maraskina ili ruma
0,3 dl soka od limuna
srž dve mahune vanile
rendana kora jednog manjeg limuna
Priprema :
Zamesite testo od navedenih sastojaka. Testo podelite u tri dela. Kalup za tortu prečnika 20 cm ( ili u mom slučaju šerpu prečnika 20 cm) obložite peko papirom i trećunu testa utapkajte prstima po dnu šerpe. Drugu trećinu testa utapkajte po zidovima šerpe ili kalupa .
Za fil umutite belanca ,šećer i zrnca vanile dok ne dobijete čvrst sneg. Zatim polako umešajte mlevene bademe, koricu i sok limuna kao i rum ili višnjak. Sve polako , kutlačom ( u mom slučaju silikonskom špatulom) izmešajte da se sjedini pa sipajte u kalup obložen prkim testom. Preostale trećinu testa oklagijom rastanjite u krug od 20 cm i isecite na trakice. Trakice rasporedite preko fila u vidu rešetke.

I za kraj malo slika Perasta.
Ako do sada niste, obavezno posetite ovaj simpatični gradić. Prošetajte pored mora.
Obiđite Pomorski muzej.
Posetite brodićem Gospu od Škrpjela . Jeste li znali da je Gospa od Škrpjela u stvari veštačko ostrvo, nastalo u XV veku nasipanjem kamenja i potapanjem starih brodova napunjenih kamenjem. I do danas se održao praznik "Fašinada" gde svake godine 22 jula meštani svojim barkama nose kamenje i nasipaju temelje ostrva.
Istražite sporedne ulice.
Zaljubite se u muškatle i nežne cvetove koralje , uživajte u arikteturi.
Uz kafu i parče peraške torte ! :)
Ovu tortu je isprobala Cica. Njene utiske pročitajte na ovde
Perast cake
Today I'm sharing with you a very special family recipe. This is my Grandma Perast cake recipe.This recipe has been with our family for a long time and were passed down from generation to generation . Perast cake is a very famous sweet in Bay of Boka Kotorska. Story about this cake dates from XVII century ,when new commander came to oversee Perast army and administration. Perast cake was served at his inauguration celebration.
I haven't had this cake for years, since my Grandma past away. She used to make it for us on special occasions. It was a family favorite.
(round cake, 20 cm diameter)
For dough:
200 gr strong flour
1 egg yolk100 gr butter
40 gr sugar
1 tbsp cold water
For filling:
6 egg whites
250 gr sugar
250 gr ground almonds
0,3 dl freshly squize lemon juice
0,3 dl homemade sour cherry liqueur or rum
vanilla seeds from 2 vanilla pods
lemon zest from one lemon
In a large
bowl, cream together butter and sugars until light. Beat in egg yolk.
Add flour gradually
and incorporate at low speed. Wrap
the dough into plastic and let rest in the refrigerator for a hour.
Line a cake pan
with baking paper.
Divide the dough into 3 even balls. First ball press firmly against bottom of the pan. Second ball press firmly against side of the pan. Make a filling. Using a mixer with standard attachments whip egg whites into a foam. Add sugar and vanilla seeds and mix until you get glossy meringue. Stir in almond, lemon zest, lemon juice and rum or sour cherry liqueur. With silicone spatula, gently fold together mixture until all ingredients are completely incorporated.Pour the filling into the crust-lined pan. On a baking paper, roll out the third ball of dough to a disk about 20 cm diameter.
Use a pizza cutter to cut strips 1,5 cm thick. Criss cross the strips
over the cake. Preheat oven to 180°C. Bake it for 50 min. When it’s
done, allow it to cool and rest for two days before slicing in.
And for the end , some tips if you planing to visit Perast.
Take a boat and visit Our Lady of the Rock. It is an artificial island created by sinking old ships loaded with rocks and by depositing stones. The custom of throwing rocks into the sea is alive even today. Every
year on the sunset of July 22, local
residents take their boats and throw rocks into the sea around the island.
You should visit Maritime museum, walk by the sea
Explore the narrow medieval streets
and drink coffee in a coffe shop or restaurant by the sea