Please scroll down for english version
Ne znam za Vas ali ja sam jedva dočekala da se pijace zašarene. U to ime, jedna šarena i ukusna slana galeta sa bogatim filom od povrća. . Malo sam u stisci sa vremenom pa krećemo odmah na recept. :)
Potrebno je :
za četiri osobe
Za testo:
75 gr belog brašna
75 gr integralnog brašna
50 gr rendanog parmezana ili pekorina (uglavnom neki tvrdji ovčiji sir)
75 gr putera iseckanog na kockice
75 gr hladne vode
Za fil:
500 gr plavog patlidžana
2 crvene pečene paprike
2 supene kašike maslinovog ulja
1 srednja tikvica
2 čena belog luka
1 supena kašika naseckanog svežeg origana ili 1 kafena kašičica suvog
1 crveni luk
200 gr skuvanog crvenog pasulja ( ja koristim onaj iz konzerve)
100 gr crnih maslina kojima ste dostranili koštice
150 ml paradajz pasate
so, biber
Za premazivanje testa
1 žumance ili malo mleka
2 supene kašike kukuruznog griza
Sve sastojke za testo sipajte u veću vanglu i pomešajte mikserom ili sipajte u multipraktik i mešajte na pusnom programu dok ne dobijete kompaktno nelepljivo testo. Minut, dva ,biće dovoljni. Testo pokrijte providnom plastičnom folijom i stavite u frižider na minimum sat vremena.
Za to vreme pripremite fil:
Naseckajte plavi patljidžan , posolite ga, stavite u cediljku iznad sudopere i pritisnite tanjirom da bi odstranili suvišnu tečnost iz njega i gorčinu. Ostavite da stoji 30 minuta. Nakon toga ga isperite od suvišne soli i osušite dobro ubrusima. Pečene paprike oguliti, odstraniti im semenu ložu i naseckati na trakice.
Zagrejte malinovo ulje u tiganju, pa dodajte naseckani luk. Pržite ga 5 minuta pa dodajte patlidžan. Pržite još 5 minuta na umerenoj vatri pa dodajte narezane kockice tikvice, beli luk i origano. Dinstajte 5 minuta na umerenoj vatri pa dodajte pasulj , masline i na kraju paradajz pasatu. Kratko prokuvajte dok ne vidite da je sva vodica isparila iz fila. . Posolite, pobiberite po ukusu pa stavite sa strane da se ohladi. 

Ohladjeno testo razvite u krug prečnika 30 cm.Premažite žumancetom i pospite kašikom kukuruznog griza. Na sredinu testa stavite fil, tako da vam ostane obod od 4 cm . Sakupite ivice testa tako da vam sredina fila ostane nepokrivena. . Premažite spoljašnje stranice testa sa preostalim žumancom ili mlekom, pospite ostatkom kukuruznim grizom i pecite 30- 35 minuta u predhodno zagrejanoj rerni na 220°C. Ovaj središni deo pite sa otkrivenim filom pokrijte al folijom ili peko papirom da vam se prilikom pečenja ne presuši. Poslednjih 5 minuta otkrite da se zapeče. Kada je testo poprimilo zlatno žutu boju , izvadite iz rerne, pustite da se prohladi i uživajte. Po želji možete dodati odozgo još sveže seckanog origana.
Prijatno :)
Mediterranean Vegetable Galette
A galette is a rustic tart that requires little preparation, but is quite satisfying as a pie. Most galettes are sweet but I really love this savory version . I hope that you will enjoy it just as much as I have .
Recipe adapted from Best-Ever Pastry Cookbook, by Catherine Atkinson
Ingredients :
For pastry :
75 gr plain flour
75 gr wholemeal flour
50 gr grated parmesan cheese
75 gr butter ,diced
75 ml chilled water
For filling:
500 gr eggplant, cubed
2 roasted red pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
1 large red onion
2 garlic cloves ,crushed
1 zucchini cubed or sliced
1 tbsp chopped fresh origano or 1 tsp dried
200 gr cooked red beans
100 gr black olive ,pitted
150 ml passata
For brushing pastry
1 yolk or a little milk
2 tbsp corn semolina
Preparing pastry:
Add all pastry ingredients into a food processor. Turn the processor on and pulse several times until you get a non sticky dough. Wrap in a plastic film and chill in a refrigerator for 1 hour. .
Preparing a filling :
Place a eggplant in a colander and sprinkle with salt and then leave for 30 minutes. Rinse and pat dry with kitchen paper. Remove peel and seed from roasted peppers.Dice the flash.
Heat the oil in a large pan. Add the onion and fry for 5 minutes until softened ,stirring occasionally. Add the eggplant and fry for 5 minutes until tender. Add zucchini, garlic and origano. Fry for five minutes. add the kidney beans and olives stir well and add passata . Seasone with salt and pepper. Cook until juices unevaporate. Set aside to cool.
Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to a rought 30 cm round. Place on a baking paper . Brush with egg ,sprinkle with semolina and spoon over the filling. , leaving a 4 cm border. Gather up the edges of the pastry to partly cover the filing. It should be open in the middle. Brush the pastry with remaining yolk or milk, sprinkle with remaining semolina, cover middle of the galette with baking paper and bake in a preheated oven to 220°C for 30-35 minutes until golden. For the last 5 minutes uncover the gallet so filling can be bake but not too bake. :)
Cool it and serve. :)
Cool it and serve. :)